Tuesday, 17 March 2015

The pain behind the halal meat By Rohini Verma

We all have heard of the word “Halal”, do we know what goes in to the process of Halal? There is a need to open people’s eyes about this issue. Halal is the Arabic word for “lawful” or “permitted”. Halal is the word that is used in reference to foods and drinks that are permissible for Muslims to eat or drink under Islamic Shariah law.

What is Haram food?
In regard to halal, there is also a term ‘haram’ that signifies the food that can not be eaten by Muslims. This food is pork meat, so other than pork Muslims are allowed to eat any animal. The food that is haram for Muslims includes blood, pork, alcoholic drinks, and most importantly the animals which are not killed by the process of Halal. Halal also forbids consumption of some carcass parts including the testicles and bladder.

What is halal food?
Muslims eat only that food which comes from a supplier that uses halal practices. Specifically, the slaughter must be performed by a Muslim, who must do the slaughter by invoking the name of Allah and then saying three times "Allahu akbar" (God is the greatest). Animals must be alive and healthy at the time of slaughter and all blood should be drained from the carcass. The animal being slaughtered must face Mecca. During the process, a Muslim will recite a dedication, known as tasmiya or shahada. Then, the animal must be slaughtered with a sharp knife by cutting the throat, windpipe and the blood vessels in the neck, causing the animal's death without cutting the spinal cord. Lastly, the blood from the veins must be drained.  This is such inhumane and painful process that the animal dies slow and painful death.

Halal meat requires that the animal should be alive and conscious at the moment its throat is cut. In the Quran, it is provided that the animal should listen to the prayers of Allah. If it’s unconscious, then it won’t be able to do that. In the halal process animal is not killed in one go rather the animal slides on the ground, gets onto its knees, regains its feet with its throat gushing out the blood. To stop the animal from getting up again, the slaughterman slashes the tendon of its rear leg. The tongue of the animal comes out and the poor animal is so distressed. On particular festivals, animal after animal is sliced openly while they are fully conscious. They make pitiful bleating and gurgling sounds as they choke in their own blood. It is a chilling sound that, once heard, stays with you for days. The ritual involves binding the animal, typically around the muzzle or legs, and slitting the throat. The animal will eventually bleed out in a painful and gruesome display. Many times the animal is beaten, sometimes to death, before the blood is drained. Halal slaughter during the month of Eid is performed as a public ritual, often in the open streets of Muslim communities. Blood from the countless sacrifices pools in the public squares and is tracked around by spectators.

Support for Halal in Quran and Hadith:

Isn’t it shameful and inhumane? Killing the animals is so much painful way? Which religion or which God allows killing living beings in such horrendous way? Quranic verses regarding halal foods include: 2:173, 5:5, and 6:118-119, 121. I don’t think any other religion describes topics like the method of killing of animals, that too in so ghastly manner. The requirement to invoke Allah's name is a must for slaughter of any animal in halal. Kosher meats, which are consumed by Jews, are permitted to be eaten by Muslims because there is a similarity between their method of slaughter and halal meat.

Some investigators on the other hand claim that nowhere in the Quran does it say that animals have to be slaughtered in this way. No Muslim is bound by his or her religion to eat halal meat. It also says that while the blood must be drained from the body it doesn’t have to happen while the animal is alive.

Such a painful process of halal is demanded by fundamentalists and its source is Hadith – teachings written 300 years after the Prophet died. These teachings are used to justify hard-line views. The confusion about these teachings is exploited to mislead both Muslims and non-Muslims. In India, the killing of animal is done in a swift blow called “Jhatka” in which there is an instant beheading with one single strike. This process reduces the pain for the animal.

Criticism of halal meat in Britain:

Globally, halal food has been criticized by anti-Halal lobby groups and animal rights activists. The British Veterinary Association, along with citizens who assembled a petition with 100,000 signatures, have raised concerns regarding a proposed halal abattoir in Wales, in which animals are not to be stunned prior to killing.
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) says that “all animals should be effectively stunned before slaughter to improve the welfare of these animals” and killing animals without stunning them causes “unnecessary suffering”.

In Feb. 2015 a horrific footage was secretly filmed in an abattoir in North Yorkshire that raised anger among animal rights activists. This gruesome video showed sheep being "hacked to death". Four slaughtermen had their operating licenses suspended by the Food Standards Agency in the light of the footage. The film showed the Muslim workers kicking sheep in the face and hurling them into solid structures.

The Daily Telegraph newspaper reported that there has been a sharp rise in the number of animals killed in abattoirs without first being stunned, after some Muslim groups campaigned for the adoption of more traditional practices. The British government has no intention of banning religious slaughter, may be due to the large Muslim population living there. This Muslim appeasement is a tool to secure Muslim votes in elections.

Are the animals conscious when they are killed?

Some animals killed for halal meat in the UK are stunned electrically before their throats are slit. The method, known as "pre-stunned slaughter", aims to minimise pain felt by the animal. But Muslims think that the practice is contrary to the specifications of zabiha and prefer to eat halal meat that has not been pre-stunned. In this case the animals are fully conscious at the time of their killing.

Let us look at few numbers:
About 40 million cattle, sheep, pigs and calves and 900 million poultry birds are killed in British abattoirs each year and one estimate has suggested that 114million of these animals, including poultry, are killed using the halal method. The value of the market could be £2bn a year or more. Vets say unstunned cattle take about 20 seconds (but up to 2 minutes) to lose consciousness, sheep six or seven seconds (but up to 20) and poultry seven or eight seconds, but all these times can be far longer. Campaigners are urging the government to introduce clear labeling to say whether meat is slaughtered by halal methods. So, that people who are not Muslims or who are against halal meat, they should know while buying whether the animal was killed by Halal or not. By not labeling the Halal food, unknowingly people are following Muslim laws.

Stunning cannot be used to kill an animal, according to the Halal Food Authority (HFA), a non-profit organisation that monitors adherence to halal principles in the UK. But it can be used if the animal survives and is then killed by halal methods, the HFA adds. The Halal Food Authority, estimates that a staggering 25% of the entire UK meat market is halal. But Muslims are about 5% of the UK population, therefore there is as much as 5 times more halal meat than Muslims. Many slaughterhouses have chosen to move to halal processes so they do not lose Muslim customers.

Stunning of livestock in Europe:

Stunning of livestock has been mandatory in the EU since 1979, but member states can grant exemptions for religious slaughter. Some countries, including Denmark, have decided to ban non-stunning slaughter altogether. Concern about slaughtering, without prior stunning, has resulted in the religious slaughter of animals being banned in Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.

Criticism of halal meat in Australia:

In Australia, the national standard for meat production requires that all animals must be effectively stunned (unconscious) prior to slaughter. The vast majority of halal slaughter in Australia complies with this standard. But there are a small number of abattoirs in Australia that have been granted permission from the relevant State or Territory food authority to conduct religious slaughter without prior stunning – for either Halal or Kosher (Jewish slaughter) purposes. Currently, Australia is witnessing a strong campaign to boycott halal-certified food. Anti- Halal groups claim that certification pushes up prices and the money goes towards funding terrorism. On the other hand for Muslims, Sharia requires that the animals should be killed by Muslims only which leads to employment generation for Muslims in the west. So, even if you are not educated enough, if you are a Muslim, one career opportunity is safest for you – i.e. to become a slaughterman.

Live meat export from Australia:

The combined value of live sheep and cattle exports for slaughter in 2012-2013 was $533 million. These animals are sent to Muslim nations for Halal. There are revelations of routine and unacceptable animal suffering of those animals exported live from Australia, both onboard ships and in importing countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Egypt, etc. The Australian Meat Industry Employee Union (AMIEU) opposes the live export trade and estimates that the live export industry has cost 40,000 meat workers' jobs. Apart from meat, there are products like creams, soaps and chocolates that bear the label of Halal that indicates that things forbidden by Islam for example alcohol has not been used in the products.

In Muslim nations, cattle are stabbed, slashed and butchered while still alive. There are horrendous conditions for animals being shipped as during long haul voyages cattle are unable to stand. They suffer debilitating injuries and are deprived of water during extreme heat. There were deaths of more than 4,000 sheep who perished from heat-stress on a live export voyage from Australia to the Middle East in 2013.

In another incident, 20,000 Australian sheep were rejected by Bahrain for disease fears. An export company official allegedly falsified documents to get them into Pakistan. When Pakistani authorities discovered the deception, the animals were clubbed, stabbed and buried alive in muddy trenches. Now Australia is planning to amend its laws to prohibit live export after 2017.

Nexus of Halal certification:

Muslim groups put pressure on companies to get Halal certification. The Halal certification industry has grown worldwide. This certification is obviously provided by a Muslim body, which charges a fees and checks the products of a company for halal compliance. This certification is raking up $20 to $30 million a year in Australia alone. The anti Halal campaigners in Australia insist that this money goes to fund Islamic Charities which have links to terror groups like Hamas. Halal industry creates jobs for Muslims. On the other hand Non-Muslims buy this expensive halal meat and unknowingly pay the Zakat tax. The principle of “zakat” in Islamic law makes it obligatory for all Muslims to give 2.5% of their income to charity. The extra money raised in this way goes to fund terrorist organisations. It also leads to imposition of Shriah law on Non-Muslims too. Even in India many local food vendors proudly claim to carry Halal food, when it is forbidden under the Hindu laws. Many food outlets like KFC, Subway, Pizza Express, etc. also carry label of Halal food.

Opposition in Sri Lanka:

The Sinhalese Buddhist majority in Sri Lanka has called for the abolition of the Muslim Halal system of certifying foods & other goods and said NO to any new Mosques. They abhor the Halal ritual slaughter which Muslims insist is necessary to produce halal meat. This outdated 7th Century Ritual Slaughter is unnecessarily cruel to livestock. A four year Dialrel Study carried  out by Veterinary Scientists from many countries of Europe concluded that halal ritual slaughter causes unnecessary suffering to animals. Buddhist monks have urged Sri Lanka’s non-Muslim majority to boycott any product with the Halal label and asked the government to outlaw Islamic clerics issuing such certifications. Muslims make up less than 10% of the Sri Lankan population , but the majority are seeing a rise in halal certified products. This unwanted over-production of Halal products is considered by the majority to be threatening their culture and their valued traditions. 

‘Festival of Sacrifice’:

The ‘Festival of Sacrifice’ of Muslims is an international religious festival but the cruelty that has come to be associated with it has nothing to do with religion. In Jordan, investigators documenting illegal sheep sales in roadside markets have reported that one company was offering locals four live sheep in exchange for beating up anyone with a camera. Malaysia, Mauritius, Jordan, Kuwait, Indonesia, Israel, Gaza, Egypt — everywhere laws are being broken whether it be illegal sales, cruel methods of restraint, or brutal street slaughter. Poor animals are suffering the horrendous consequences every where. In Egypt in 2004 an abattoir was declared a ‘benchmark’ for animal welfare despite eye stabbing and tendon slashing of cattle being standard practice at this notorious facility.

In this festival only one animal is supposed to be sacrificed per family but many are sacrificed. This slaughter is done in open grounds with children watching. Many times the distressed animals are let loose and cause stampede. Every year crores of animals are slaughtered this way with the streets running with their blood.

The government in Denmark has been accused of anti-Semitism after passing a law banning the religious slaughter of animals for halal and kosher meat. Muslims have called it interference in their religion. Even in the UK there is an ongoing campaign to ban Halal Slaughter houses and sale of Halal Meat. Russia has denied Muslims the right to celebrate the Eid al-Adhu (Feast of Sacrifice).

After going through all these facts, I feel what kind of religion is this that tells humans to kill animals so painfully and mercilessly. Can’t the festivals be enjoyed without giving painful deaths to poor animals? India is a Hindu majority nation and Hinduism teaches to have compassion for all living beings. Various animals are worshipped by Hindus. But in India, people kill animals in the name of religion or “festival of sacrifice”. Why we are silent? Respecting all forms of life is integral to Hinduism. Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism agree in their support of nonviolence and a meatless lifestyle. Many deeply religious souls in the West too eat meat because it is sanctioned in their holy books. Jains even follow dietary codes regulating the types of plants they eat. Hinduism believes that vegetarianism promotes spiritual life.

Recently, in Maharashtra, cow slaughter was banned. The punishment for the sale of beef or possession of it could be prison for five years with an additional fine of Rs 10,000. If such a law can be passed by one state then, why not by the central government for whole country?
In reaction to this ban, in a shameful incident, Christians and Muslims of Kerela state arranged a beef feast free for all. Beef was cooked in the open. Beef is the most-favoured meat in the state. The annual sale of beef is estimated at 2.3 lakh metric tonnes against the corresponding figure for poultry -- 1.51 lakh metric tonnes.

Digging into the beef curry before returning to the Assembly, CPM legislator P Sreeramakrishnan said, "I eat my beef. And so do many others in Kerala. Nothing will change." This is the shameful state in a Hindu majority country. Can Muslims or any other community dare to arrange a pork feast in Pakistan, Oman, Saudi Arabia or Egypt?
It is high time for the animal rights activists and some organisations like RSS and VHP to take a stand against such killings of poor animals in the name of religion. No God can be made happy by killing animals. It is not religious freedom rather it is bringing shame to religions.

Courtesy: en.wikipedia.org,  http://www.theweek.co.uk, http://www.theguardian.com, http://www.bbc.com, http://kb.rspca.org.au, http://www.animalsaustralia.org, http://www.aph.gov.au, http://www.dailymail.co.uk, http://www.hinduismtoday.com, http://www.firstpost.com, http://www.ndtv.com/ , http://www.abc.net.au, http://www.boycotthalal.com/sri-lanka-call-halal-boycott/ , http://madworldnews.com/muslims-furious-bans-halal/

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